Sergey V. Shkarayev

Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Sergey Shkarayev is a Professor in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and a Director of Micro Air Vehicles Laboratory at the University of Arizona. His research interests include unsteady aerodynamics, structural mechanics, and designing of unmanned aerial vehicles. Dr. Shkarayev has coauthored 5 books, 5 original chapters in the scholarly books, and more than 80 journal papers. The University of Arizona Micro Air Vehicles Team, lead by Dr. Shkarayev, won several International Competitions.



AME 320 (Fall 2020)
AME 320 (Fall 2019)
AME 320 (Spring 2019)
AME 320 (Spring 2018)
AME 320 (Spring 2017)

Aerospace Engineering Design

AME 422 (Spring 2024)
AME 422 (Spring 2023)
AME 422 (Spring 2022)
AME 422 (Spring 2021)
AME 422 (Spring 2020)
AME 422 (Spring 2019)
AME 422 (Spring 2018)
AME 422 (Spring 2017)
AME 422 (Spring 2016)


AME 423 (Spring 2023)
AME 423 (Spring 2016)
AME 523 (Spring 2023)
AME 523 (Spring 2016)

Mechanical Vibrations

AME 460 (Fall 2024)
AME 460 (Fall 2023)

Directed Research

AME 492 (Spring 2022)
AME 492 (Fall 2021)
AME 492 (Spring 2019)
AME 492 (Fall 2016)

Aerospace Engr Design

AME 522 (Spring 2024)
AME 522 (Spring 2023)
AME 522 (Spring 2022)
AME 522 (Spring 2021)
AME 522 (Spring 2020)
AME 522 (Spring 2019)
AME 522 (Spring 2018)
AME 522 (Spring 2017)
AME 522 (Spring 2016)

Advanced Dynamics

AME 550 (Fall 2024)
AME 550 (Fall 2023)
AME 550 (Fall 2022)
AME 550 (Spring 2022)
AME 550 (Spring 2021)
AME 550 (Fall 2020)
AME 550 (Fall 2019)
AME 550 (Fall 2018)
AME 550 (Fall 2017)
AME 550 (Fall 2016)

Independent Study

AME 599 (Spring 2023)
AME 599 (Fall 2022)
AME 599 (Fall 2017)
AME 599 (Spring 2017)
AME 599 (Fall 2016)
AME 599 (Spring 2016)
AME 699 (Spring 2018)


AME 900 (Spring 2023)
AME 900 (Spring 2022)
AME 900 (Fall 2021)
AME 900 (Spring 2021)
AME 900 (Fall 2020)
AME 900 (Spring 2020)
AME 900 (Fall 2019)
AME 900 (Spring 2019)
AME 900 (Fall 2018)
AME 900 (Spring 2018)
AME 900 (Spring 2017)
AME 900 (Fall 2016)

Master's Report

AME 909 (Fall 2021)
AME 909 (Spring 2021)


AME 910 (Spring 2024)
AME 910 (Fall 2023)
AME 910 (Spring 2020)
AME 910 (Spring 2019)
AME 910 (Summer I 2018)
AME 910 (Spring 2018)
AME 910 (Fall 2017)
AME 910 (Fall 2016)
AME 910 (Spring 2016)


AME 920 (Spring 2024)
AME 920 (Fall 2023)
AME 920 (Spring 2023)
AME 920 (Fall 2022)

Selected Publications


  • Kumar, R., Kumar, R., Randall, R., Silin, D., & Shkarayev, S. V. (2014). INSECT-INSPIRED MICRO AIR VEHICLES. In Handbook of Biomimetics and Bioinspiration Chapter 23(pp 613-639). WORLD SCIENTIFIC. doi:10.1142/9789814354936_0023
  • Kumar, R., Randall, R., Silin, S., & Shkarayev, S. (2014). Chapter 2: Insect-inspired Micro Air Vehicles. In Handbook of Biomimetics and Bioinspiration: Biologically-driven Engineering of Materials Processes, Devices and Systems(pp 623-649). World Scientific.


  • Footohi, P., Bouskela, A., & Shkarayev, S. V. (2020). Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Blended-Wing-Body VTOL UAV. Journal of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Vol 4(Issue 1), Pages 187-200,.
  • Shkarayev, S. V., & Zhao, L. (2019). Characterization of Ducted Contra-rotating Propellers. International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles.
  • Shkarayev, S., & Zhao, L. (2019). Characterization of ducted contra-rotating propeller propulsions. International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 11, 175682931983766. doi:10.1177/1756829319837661
  • Shkarayev, S. V., Zhao, L., & Su, E. (2018). AERODYNAMICS OF A WING WITH A WINGTIP FLAPPER. Fluids, 29.
  • Zhao, L., Su, E., & Shkarayev, S. (2018). Aerodynamics of a Wing with a Wingtip Flapper. Fluids, 3(2), 29. doi:10.3390/fluids3020029
  • Shkarayev, S. V., Su, E., Randall, R., & Wilson, L. (2017). Visualization of Vortical Flows around a Rapidly-Pitching Wing and Propeller. International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles.
  • Shkarayev, S., Randall, R., Su, E., & Wilson, L. (2017). Visualization of vortical flows around a rapidly pitching wing and propeller. International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 9(1), 25-43. doi:10.1177/1756829316685189
  • Shkarayev, S., & Kumar, R. (2016). Kinematics and Inertial Effects in Locust Flapping Wings. Experimental Mechanics, 56(2), 245-258. doi:10.1007/s11340-015-0093-2
  • Shkarayev, S., & Kumar, R. (2015). Kinematic and Aerodynamic Response of Locusts in Sideslip. International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 7(2), 159-180. doi:10.1260/1756-8293.7.2.159
  • Shkarayev, S., & Kumar, R. (2015). Simultaneous measurement of aerodynamic forces and kinematics in flapping wings of tethered locust.. Bioinspiration & biomimetics, 10(6), 066003. doi:10.1088/1748-3190/10/6/066003
  • Kumar, R., & Shkarayev, S. (2013). Kinematics and aerodynamic responses of locusts in sideslip. 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013.
  • Shkarayev, S., Maniar, G., & Shekhovtsov, A. V. (2013). Experimental and Computational Modeling of the Kinematics and Aerodynamics of Flapping Wing. Journal of Aircraft, 50(6), 1734-1747. doi:10.2514/1.c032053
  • Shkarayev, S., Maniar, G., & Shekhovtsov, A. V. (2013). Experimental and computational modeling of the kinematics and aerodynamics of flapping wing. Journal of Aircraft, 50(6), 1734-1747.
  • Kumar, R., & Shkarayev, S. (2012). Effects of yaw angle on aerodynamic response in locusts. 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition.
  • Kumar, R., Chan, R., Shkarayev, S., & Gabbiani, F. (2012). Force measurements on locusts during visually-evoked collision avoidance maneuvers. International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 4(3), 227-249.

Proceedings Publications

  • Shkarayev, S. V. (2023, January). “Effect of Position pf Lateral Jet Injection on Swirling Flow,” Cervantes, J.,  and Shkarayev, S., . In AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, 23-27 January 2023, National Harbor, MD & Online..
  • Shkarayev, S. V., & Bouskela, A. (2023). Numerical modeling and flight experiments of glider dynamics in non-uniform winds. In AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum.
  • Shkarayev, S. V., & Cervantes, J. (2023). Effects of Position of Lateral Jet Injection on Swirling Flow. In AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum.
  • Shkarayev, S. V., Hanquist, K., Pascual, R., & Chengalrayan, S. (2022).
    Determination of Flow Field and Structural Parameters using Inverse Interpolation Methods. In AIAA Forum 2022. AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum, June 27-July 1, 2022, Chicago, IL & Virtual..
  • Shkarayev, S. V., Thangavelautham, J., Asphaug, E. I., Ponder, S., Schreiner, R., & Blanchard, N. (2023, Jan 24-26).   “System of Drones for Caves and Lava Tubes Exploration” . In Autonomous VTOL Technical Meeting and Electric VTOL Symposium,.
  • Hanquist, K. M., Shkarayev, S. V., Chengalrayan, S., & Pascual, R. (2022). Determination of Flow Field and Structural Parameters using Inverse Interpolation Methods. In AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum.
  • Hanquist, K. M., Shkarayev, S. V., Footohi, P., & Mozzone, L. (2021). Wingtip Jets Effects on Flow Entrainment and Aerodynamic Loads. In AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM.
  • Bouskela, A., & Shkarayev, S. V. (2020). Modeling of Dynamic Soaring Maneuvers in the Atmospheres of Earth and Mars. In AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM.
  • Bouskela, A., Kling, A., Shkarayev, S. V., & Thangavelautham, J. (2020, 11-12 May). Aerial Reconnaissance of Canyons and Craters on Mars Using Sailplanes. In Inter-Planetary Small Satellite Conference.
  • Footohi, P., Shkarayev, S. V., & Heinemann, G. (2020, 15–19 June). Dynamics of Wingtip Vortex near Solid Surface. In 2020 AIAA AVIATION Forum.
  • Shkarayev, S. V., & Bouskela, A. (2020, 11-12 May). Atmospheric Flight Mechanics on Other Planets. In Inter-Planetary Small Satellite Conference.
  • Shkarayev, S. V., & Bouskela, A. (2020, 15–19 June). Modeling of Dynamic Soaring Maneuvers in the Atmospheres of Earth and Mars. In 2020 AIAA AVIATION Forum.
  • Shkarayev, S. V., Schuler, T., Kalita, H., Moses, R., & Thangavelautham, J. (2020, 02/2020). GNC of Shape Morphing Microbots for Planetary Exploration. In AAS Guidance and Control Conference 2020.
  • Shkarayev, S. V., Schuler, T., Kalita, H., Moses, R., & Thangavelautham, J. (2020, 02/2020). GNC of Shape Morphing Microbots for Planetary Exploration. In AAS Guidance and Control Conference.
  • Thangavelautham, J., Shkarayev, S. V., Bouskela, A., & Schuler, T. (2020, 02/2020). Inflatable Aircrafts and Blimps for Long Duration Mars Exploration. In AAS Guidance and Control Conference 2020.

Poster Presentations

  • Shkarayev, S. V., Bouskela, A., & Mason, C. (2023). Low Density Atmospheric Turbulence Measurement using Pitot Tubes. International Small Satellite Conference.


  • Shkarayev, S. V., Thanga, J., Dinkel, A., Anthis, R., Nietzel, K., Greenfield, E., & Mammana, E. (2023, May). Martian Lava Tube Exploration with Aerial Delivery Vehicle. International Small Satellite Conference. Passadena.
  • Shkarayev, S. V., Thangavelautham, J., Dinkel, A., Greenfield, E., & Nietzel, K. (2023). Airborne Release and Recapture of UAV from Martian balloons. Small Satelite conference.
  • Shkarayev, S. V., Thangavelautham, J., Paige, W., & Alday, J. (2023, May). Evaluation of deployable Telescopes for Small Satellites on Asteroid Recon Missions. International Small Satellite Conference,. Passadena.
  • Shkarayev, S. V. (2020, March 2). Sailplane for Earth observation and Mars exploration. UA-Mexican Space Agency Workshop. UA.
  • Shkarayev, S. V. (2019, August). UAV Projects at the University of Arizona. Unmanned Arizona Workshop. Phoenix.
  • Shkarayev, S. V. (2018, May 10). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Project. CubeSat Seminar, UA. UA.
  • Shkarayev, S. V. (2016, August). Micro Aerial Vehicles Project. AME Seminar.
  • Shkarayev, S. V. (2014, ???). Hybrid UAVs. SCR. Phoenix, AS.


  • Persistent Earth Atmosphere Monitoring System, S. Shkarayev (PI, 33 1/3%), J. Thanga (Co-I, 33 1/3%), X. Zhang (Co-I, 33 1/3%), $25,000,
    • UA Earth Dynamics Laboratory,, Spring 2022
  • Award for excellence at the student interface
    • College of Engineering, UA, Spring 2018